En janvier dernier Canal+ obtenait les droits du télé du Top 14 les 5 années à venir (2014/2015 à 2018/2019) pour la somme de 71 millions d'euros en moyenne et un montant total de 355 millions d’euros HT. Un joli coup pour la LNR qui a judicieusement fait monter les enchères grâce en mettant en concurrence le diffuseur historique du championnat de France de première division et la chaîne qatarie BeIn Sport. Laquelle n'a pas dit son dernier mot. Du côté de Canal +, on ne regrette pas d’avoir dû sortir le chéquier pour proposer un montant deux fois supérieur aux précédents droits. Ce qui n’a pas empêché pas la quatrième chaîne d’employer le second degré dans cette vidéo pour faire son auto-critique et se moquer à la fois de cette hausse importante des droits demandés par la Ligue et du Top 14 où le spectacle n’est parfois pas au rendez-vous. Une vidéo disponible sur le site de Canal+ en cliquant ici.

Canal + ne regrette pas d’avoir dû sortir le chéquier pour les droits du Top 14. Ce qui ne l'empêche pas d’employer le second degré dans cette vidéo.
C+ ...
@Thibault: j'ai verifie sur mes billets du Tournoi de cette annee et il est ecrit
"Les spectateurs sont avertis qu'en cas de captation video ou de retransmission a la television de la manifestation, leur image serait susceptible d'y figurer".
Mais Canal Plus peut quand meme enlever l'image de cette dame de leur video par courtoisie.
je rajouterais qu'avant l'intervention de aunt personne n'avait fait de commentaires sur cette demoiselle... ou rugbynistère les a supprimés??
c'est vrai
interessant l'interprétation et les points de vue...
je n'avais rien trouvé de choquant, et les propos de la demoiselle sont particulièrement forts à mon gout, notamment lorsqu'elle dit disgusting alors que comme dit plus bas 99,9% d'entre nous diraient sexy
maintenant on est pas à sa place, son ressenti est ce qu'il est, ça remet en perspective les choses
ça risque juste de nous faire tomber dans la parano inverse
du coup il faut vite que j'aille voir un exorciste, le malin est en moi
Merci pour ta réponse Kadova, je cherchais justement ce qu'il en était au niveau des droits d'image des spectateurs.
Ce qui se passe est surtout une difference de culture, ce qui est choquant dans un pays est amusant dans un autre. Perso, je n'ai pas eu l'impression que la dame soit objectivee dans ce passage. C'est dans l'esprit rugby pour moi (je suis une fille). Et certaines femmes en jouent sans probleme, l'Anglaise du "barbecue that" de la CdM 2007 par ex.
Mais la sensibilite des unes n'est pas celle des autres.
Bravo a Thibault et Nicolas pour leur reponses. Et je serais interessee de savoir ce que Canal Plus va repondre. Parce qu'il est ecrit sur les billets que les spectateurs acceptent d'etre filmes et renoncent a leur droit a l'image dans l'enceinte du stade. Ce qui signifie que Canal Plus a le droit d'utiliser et de diffuser ce qu'il veulent ?
Very much appreciated, thank you.
3e latte
Remercie le rugbynistere de nous offrir des cours de rattrapage en anglais durant l'été ...
Nicolas Rousse
@GirlInTheVideo : Hi, I am the owner of this site, thanks for getting in touch. Unlike editors, I do have a way to access your email address, and will continue this conversation over email. My advice to you is to get in touch with Canal+ since they've produced this video and do host it (it's just embedded here...), and they're waaaaay bigger than we are in terms of audience. We'll remove the video for now while you're getting things sorted out. Please drop us a line when you get info from them (I'll send out my email to you in a while).
Thank you
@GirlInTheVideo "the video is easily available on the Canal + website - where exactly?
The video is avaible here : "La séance Rugby 22/01"
h t t p ://w w w.canalplus.fr/c-sport/c-rugby/c-rugby-top-14/pid3433-c-rugby-top-14-videos.html?vid=1008162
=> remove space between letters
I showed a group of friends and work colleagues and the men laughed when it zoomed in on my chest. It's disgusting.
Comments such as , 'la marque de pull va aussi porter plainte, on a l impression qu il a retreci au lavage...' - rude, perverse, insulting, irrelevant.
'un décolleté peut pas faire de mal !' - completely sexist and not relevant at all. I am a human, not a pair of breasts to be observed.
'But it is a bit of a losing battle in today's society where women are often put forward in this way' - do you think this means it's acceptable? It is not.
'give me the phone at the girl on the vidéo' - not funny.
'Unless somebody picked her outfit for her, she chose the low-cut herself' - it doesn't make a difference if my top is low cut or not - it is NEVER an invitation for someone to film, stare, touch, exploit my body. I refer back to my comment about rape in my first comment.
'Je me demande si le streaker va te contacter pour se plaindre d'avoir été représenté sous un jour aussi peu flatteur' - implies I'm upset about how I looked that day and that my complaint isn't serious. I assure you it is.
'Ahah j'espère bien, ça fera de l'activité sur le site' - you yourself make light of the situation as if it's a joke, undermining and belittling the serious nature of this.
You say the video is easily available on the Canal + website - where exactly?
I understand your point of view and the fact that you do not want to be seen in this manner. But funny does not mean that we're making fun of you. The video is funny as a whole. I think Canal + used this footage because they found it kinda sexy. I don't think they're laughing at you.
'A funny video' - your opinion, not mine; you are not the one on display being laughed at or objectified. When I hear back from Canal + I shall let you know what the response is.
You clearly don't understand or care about the degrading nature of this clip, but it will be rectified soon enough.
No, I can not see your email address. The reasons why we chose to broadcast this video are in the article itself, and in my previous comments. This is a funny video with funny Top 14 moments. We did not choose because there was a pretty woman, you in this case. The video is easily reached on the website of Canal +. But I'm not the one who found it several months ago.
The choice of front page photo was perhaps not very subtle, but we know that this type of image works to bring users to read the article.
I doubt that Canal + has sought the agreement of all people in the video, including the naked men. I do not know the law regarding the right to the image of supporters in a stadium. I hope you'll have an answer from them.
I would like you to contact me privately regarding this issue - you can see my personal email address? I need to know more information about how and why you selected this video; I sent a link to Canal + in my official complaint so it needs to be available for them to see what video is being referred to.
I don't know why your comment was deleted. And why Canal + went to get this footage from 2009. If I understand well, you want me to remove the video form the web site as well ? If it's the case, I must see if it's possible.
Why did you delete my message?
Here it is again:
I am the girl in the video. I have various issues with my body being used which I will explain. Firstly because I gave no permission whatsoever for any footage to be displayed of me. I was simply there to enjoy the rugby match whilst I was living in Perpignan during a year of studying there.
What also bothers me massively - and none of you seem to realise - is that zooming in on someone's chest regardless of what they're wearing is blatant objectification. This article has since changed but the photo at the top of the article was JUST my chest originally. And in the clip it zooms in on my chest again. If it was my face, fair enough but it is obviously sexualisation by focusing on that specific part of my body.
To the person who wrote that I chose to wear that t shirt so I should essentially accept it (I read and speak French so I understand all the comments) - that is completely defunct. I should be able to chose what to wear without running the risk of being objectified. It's like saying if a girl is raped when she wears a short skirt that she was asking for it. Of course, that is absurd.
In the example of the recent Brazilian World Cup - yes women were often singled out. Just because 'it happens' doesn't mean that it's ok. From what I saw, none of those clips just focused on a girls breasts; their faces were always included. Some girls might be comfortable with it, that's absolutely fine I'm all for self-expression but unless you consult someone beforehand you can't simply assume it's ok or acceptable to just post a video like that.
This video is meant to be lighthearted; I understand that. I am also a massive rugby fan. It saddens me that this video seems so lazy with such obvious mysoginist themes. Having a girl in the crowd isn't the main attraction at a rugby match... I wasn't going there trying to get on the camera. I'd also like to point out that although this article is recent, the clip of me is from 2009. Why it has been dug out as if it is in any way pertinent to the content of the article is a mystery to me.
I have written a complaint to Canal+ and am still waiting for a response. But to Thierry in particular - you need to take this down.
Les 3, mon général.
Et un peu d'eux-mêmes pour l'avoir payé si cher.
Bitch Bucannon
Euh Canal + se moque du Top 14, de la jeune demoiselle ou des supporters qui sont assez cons pour payer leur abonnement ?
@Pikeboy Je suis parfaitement d'accord avec toi sur le fait que c'est cette supportrice qui a choisi son pull elle-même (décolleté inclus) mais c'est quand même hyper réducteur de la part de Canal de la résumer à... juste une paire de seins.
Ouh la la .. Si on peut plus partager une petite vidéo sympa ..
la marque de pull va aussi porter plainte, on a l impression qu il a retreci au lavage...
@Thibaut Tu t'enfonces !!! lol
Ahah j'espère bien, ça fera de l'activité sur le site.
@ Thibault : Je me demande si le streaker va te contacter pour se plaindre d'avoir été représenté sous un jour aussi peu flatteur 🙂
Comme quoi c'est pas le jeu en lui même qui fait l’attractivité du Top 14 !!!
@Aunty : I don't mean to be controversial, but I would be interested to hear exactly what you find offensive ?
You say it is degrading for your niece to be portrayed in such a way. Unless I'm mistaken she's not being portrayed, like in a painting or a drawing. This is a video showing her exactly the way she was that day.
Are you upset because of the close-up on her cleavage ? Unless somebody picked her outfit for her, she chose the low-cut herself and I would imagine a lot of people could enjoy the same close-up on her cleavage the day she attended this game. Why would it be offensive on tv and ok in a stadium ?
Or is it just a question of image reproduction rights, in which case it's totally understandable but another matter entirely. And as Thibault Perrin mentioned, you should turn to the Groupe Canal+ which is responsible for this video.
please, give me the phone at the girl on the vidéo.
thanks d'avance.
@Thibault Perrin thank you I, and more importantly my niece would appreciate it if you would do that. I appreciate that all who have responded on this comment forum have been polite and gentlemanly. I shall let her know what you are going to change.
I understand your point of view. But it is a bit of a losing battle in today's society where women are often put forward in this way. The only thing I can do is change the image on the site, but not the video.
@Lancé comme un frelon, apologies for not being French...not much I can do about that! I was directed to watch the video by my niece who is very upset by seeing herself portrayed in such a manner..... I am her aunt not some bloke down the pub.....I am trying to look after her.
Lancé comme un frelon
Le site est devenu anglophone ? J'aimerai rappeler à notre ami rosbif qu'il a probablement cliqué sur l'article pour la même raison que nous tous, en plus on voit 3-4 quiquettes chères au Rugbynistère dans la vidéo, alors un décolleté peut pas faire de mal !
P.S. J'adore Pharrell mais arrêtez de mettre Happy partout !!
Thank you Thibault Perrin, I am not the person in the video, I am her aunt. Do you have a sister, niece, daughter? Would you like her to be portrayed like this? She went to a rugby match several years ago, to watch rugby!
This is not MY website. but I work for it. This is a funny video, which I think is in no way an insult to women, although I recognize this image is not very subtle. Unfortunately, this type of close-ups are often used, as you could see during the World Cup football. This type of image to entice users to watch the video is, in my opinion, no worse than a poster on the street for a brand of underwear.
Are you the person in the video? If this is the case, you should contact Canal + if you have a complaint to make.
Thank you for your response. The girl in question is shocked and upset and angry about it. If the camera had just shown her face fair enough but to focus on her in the way it did, it is wrong.
@ Aunty : It is not shocking, it is Rugby Spirit !!!
Thank you for your response. But this is your website?
@Aunty : We're sorry that the video could shock you. We are not the author of this video.
Do you ask permission of the people in your video? How dare you focus in on a young woman in the crowd and objectify her in such a way. It is a disgrace, you must take down this video and offer an apology.
c'est qui la photo chabal ou bastarau ???
Et quant à Guy Novès, je vais continuer à le chambrer par rugbynistère interposé, je préfère.
Je sais pas qui se prend une droite en pleine face avec les yeux ouverts mais ouch !!!
Ali-Papé Ratini
En tout cas ça à le mérite de nous rappeler qu'Andy Goode a joué à Brive ...
C'est moi ou il n'y a pas un seul essai de toute la vidéo ?...
Assez révélateur et vidéo au final assez honnête sur le Top14 : le spectacle est bien plus souvent en tribune que sur le pré.
Paupiette bistufly
Ahhhh Jacques Villeret!!